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Raise Your Grades

Getting Organized


  • Do you waste time looking for things?

·         Do you forget to bring what you need to class?

·         Are there loose papers in your notebooks?

·         Do you finish assignments at the last minute?


  • If you answered “YES” to any of the above, you may want to work on improving your organization skills.
  • Being organized isn’t hard, but it is a skill that needs to be developed and practiced.
  • Being organized will not only make you a better student, it will help you succeed in your career, and in life


Use a Student Planner


  • Using our student planner every day is a great way to stay organized. Use your planner to record the following information.
  • ​Important Dates

·         Daily Assignments Quizzes, and Tests:  Write each assignment under date, due dates, check off when completed.

·         Projects and Papers:  break large assignments into smaller ones=more manageable

·         Activities and Appointments: write in practices, appointments, social, etc.



Organization Tips


  • Study Areas:  area should be comfortable, quiet, well-lit, and have a surface for writing.

·         Pocket Folders: have a pocket folder for each class.  Use these folders for homework assignments, returned papers, and handouts.

·         Notebooks:  use spiral or three-ring notebooks for class notes. Three-ring work well…easy to insert or take out.

·         Have phone numbers for classmates. Have one person in each class, so if you are absent or have a question about assignment you can call or text.



Organizing & Time Management Tips


  • Use Time Wisely. Use any free time you have during the day to work on homework. You’ll have a lot less to do at night.
  • Develop Routines.  Routines can help you be more organized and get things done more efficiently.
  • Make To-Do Lists. Each day make a list of the things you need to do. Put the most important at top.
  • Create a Study Plan.  Know when you study best and create a study plan that works for you.


Manage Your Time


  • With good time management skills, you have time for the things you need to do – and you still have time for the things you want to do.
  • A weekly schedule will help you organize your time.  When filling out a weekly schedule, first write in scheduled activities, practices, dinner, etc. You will then be able to see when you have blocks of time for homework and studying.  To print out a full schedule (7AM -11PM) go to


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